2015 Grand Ole Opry 90th Birthday Bash Weekend Getaway Sweepstakes

If you knew the sins and secrets of your parents and grandparents and great grandparents, would you love them anyway?
That’s the question I’m pondering this morning.
My grandparents lived to be somewhere in their late 80s and early 90s (people barely kept records back then so it’s hard to nail down actual birth dates) but in those years, plenty of secrets were accumulated by and between them that I never got a chance to learn since 3 out of 4 grandparents died before I was born and the last one dotted on us but never really gave us any information about her life or any juicy gossip about my mom and what it was like raising her.
Oh well.

If however you want to learn all, or at least some of the Grand Ole Opry secrets, then you’re in luck because she turns 90 this year and of course there is going to be a big bash celebrating that and I bet you musicians will be spilling some very juicy secrets about their time at the Opry!
The bash happens in one of my fave cities in the US – Nashville and accommodation as well as a slew of other goodies are provided..peep the dets below. You can enter the sweep online or via mail-in by:

clearly hand printing your name, address, phone number, and date of birth on a plain piece of 3″x5″ paper and mail to:

2015 Grand Ole Opry 90th Birthday Bash Weekend Getaway

PO Box 190633
Nashville, TN 37219-0633

Rules and dets
Ends 9/16/15

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