About Me

My name is Mimi.
I’m a girl.A daughter.A sister.An auntie.Mother to one.Friend to many.
I love freebies.
I love sweepstakes.
I love winning.
I’m a huge Brad Paisley fan.
I fight with my GPS every single day. It wins every single day.
I’m hooked on self help books.
I text too much.
I write.
I read.
I collect quotes.
I laugh hard.
I love even harder.
I’m loyal.Maybe too loyal.
I’m more solution oriented than problem focused.
I’m intrigued by social media and marketing.
I talk A LOT.
I hug – everyone and anyone.
I’m the person most likely to say something inappropriate.
I’m also the person most likely to make you laugh so hard you pee on yourself.
I’m opinionated.
I’m happy.
I really love my life.

6 Responses to About Me

  1. michele says:

    For all these things, Mimi, I love you!

    Especially the “most likely to say something inappropriate” ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Mimi says:

    Aww thanks a lot Michele!!! I love you too ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Peter from Mosy Bites says:

    Delighted to know you Mimi!

    That’s the best ‘about me’ I have *ever* read. If only half were true [and I’m sure all of it is!], but if only for half, any half, nobody in their right mind could refuse you anything. You have a talent that is impressive and, sooner or later, it will bring all the rewards you so richly deserve. Such warm-hearted sincerity is both a rare and precious thing. Nurture it, for you have a gift. Stay in touch, please. Best wishes, Peter.

  4. Mimi says:

    Aww Peter,thank you so much ๐Ÿ™‚ …that was very kind of you – and yes,it is all true.I really do love your website (Mosybites.com) and yes,I have it bookmarked for real!!!

  5. Tristan Muller says:


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    Best regards,
    Tristan Muller

    P.S: delete this comment.

    • Mimi says:

      Tristan,I have tried emailing you numerous times but the emails keep bouncing back.Please use the contact form on this site to email me.Thank you.

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