Category Archives: iPad Sweepstakes Wants to Give You an iPad Mini

One of my biggest pet peeves back when I was in school was the outrageous cost of text books. In college I found a way around it by simply asking my professors to put an extra copy in the library … Continue reading

Posted in Facebook Sweepstakes, iPad Sweepstakes, iPod sweepstakes, Sweepstakes | 1 Comment

Who Wants To Win A 16GB Apple iPad Mini?

I know,I know…silly question but I have to ask it because you kinda sorta is my job to ask you silly questions like Who wants to win a 16GB Apple iPad Mini? Ofcourse YOU want one, so do I … Continue reading

Posted in Facebook Sweepstakes, iPad Sweepstakes, Sweepstakes | 1 Comment

Mobile Rhino iPad Mini Sweepstakes

This year I have a very short christmas wish list. It basically comprises of two items – one, I actually badly need and one I just want. What I need is a samsung galaxy note 2. What I want is … Continue reading

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