I was stalking someone’s profile on Facebook – yeah,I’m not the only one who does that! – and I saw this really cool picture of Bill’s Rules.
The “Bill” in question is Bill Gates and I don’t know if he actually sat down and wrote all these rules but I suspect some genius with too much time got a whole bunch of quotes from Bill Gates and created this really cool list.
OR maybe the person just made all that stuff up and attached Bill’s name and face to it.
I don’t know.I’m just speculating.
It is very interesting to read though so take a second out of your day to go over it.
One thing I know for sure and one that requires absolutely no speculation on my part is that Disney is an awesome company and they usually have the most amazing sweeps.Right now they are running 3 text to win sweeps with really awesome prizes….
Text BREAKFAST to 347639
x 1 per person per day
Ends 08/16/12
Text CARTER to 347639
x 1 per person per day
Ends 03/23/12
Text DISNEYDAY to 347639
x 1 per person per day
Ends 2/29/12