Facebook Flash Giveaway Today at 7pm EST

One of the things on my bucket list is to be part of a flash mob.
So far,no one has contacted me yet to be part of their flash mob.
I’ve been dropping hints left,right and center about this but no one seems to be listening
So,I’ll try again…
If YOU know of any flash mob happening,please email me and let me know.

I don’t know of any flash mobs happening BUT I do know of a flash giveaway happening TONIGHT on Facebook at 7pm EST.
You do have a Facebook account already,don’t you?
You do already love,umm I mean like Freebies City on Facebook,don’t you?
If you don’t like us already,don’t tell me,you just might hurt the few feelings I have left.
If you do like us already,guess what?I love you right back – a hundred fold!
Okay,I got side tracked…back to that Facebook Flash Giveaway hosted by the Thrify Wifey

The basics:
– You have to be a fan of her Facebook book to take part in all the fun
– She will post each giveaway item on her Facebook wall and leave it open for 7 minutes
– In that 7 minutes the people entering must either like the company’s page & enter their info. through each giveaway link she posts.
– After 7 minutes the giveaway will be closed and a winner will be chosen.

The prizes are too many to list but they include a Kitchen Aid Mini Chopper and a few gift certificates to different stores.

You lose absolutely nothing by attending and participating and trust me,it’s fun!

So go on..have fun at the Thrify Wifey’s Facebook Flash Giveaway and please drop me a note and let me know how you liked it!

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