Glad Press’n Seal Wrap Outside the Lines Mail-in Sweepstakes

Think outside the box.
March to your own beat.
Dance to your own rhythm.
Be uniquely you.
These are things my son hears from me every single day.
These are words I heard from the “village” that raised me every single day.
There is nothing wrong with coloring outside the lines.
Matter of fact, go right ahead and make a gigantic drawing outside the lines.
Be free, allow your creativity to flow without boundaries because only then can you truly enjoy life.
I’m glad that lesson got drilled into my head early on in my life.
I’m glad my son gets to hear me give him permission to think outside the box every day.

If you’re waiting for me to write you a permission slip giving you permission to think outside the box too, consider this your permission slip. Well, technically it’s Glad writing you the permission slip but what it boils down to is this – they want you to be creative. To think outside the box – oh and it would be nice if you used their new Press’n Seal Wrap while you’re expressing your creativity (that stuff is seriously good if you’re a wrapping freak like me!!). They’re even willing to ship you off to Vegas if you prove to be their number one “wrap star” <<--- I love that! So how do you get in on this "wrap battle" (yes, I know I'm getting carried away but I can't help it)..well, you can take a pic (see rules) or you go the mail-in route (total of 8 entries, each mailed separately)...

Enter by Mail: To enter without purchase of Press’n Seal Wrap, hand print your name, address, day and evening phone numbers, email address, and date of birth on a 3″ x 5″ piece of paper and mail it in an envelope with proper postage to:

“Wrap Outside the Lines,”
c/o HelloWorld, Inc.,
P.O. Box 5014 Department 816702,
Kalamazoo, MI 49003-5014.

You will receive one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes. Limit: You may only include one (1) entry request per envelope. All mail-in entries must be handwritten and must be postmarked by March 12, 2015 and received by March 19, 2015

Rules and dets here
Ends 3/12

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