What’s On Your Bucket List?

On Oct 31,2011, a very special person helped me cross out number 11 from my bucket list by taking me to a live taping of WWE RAW in Atlanta.
I can’t explain the incredible amount of joy I felt sitting in that audience.
To this day,I still get excited recalling that day and how awesome it was to not only spend time with this person but to also get to fulfill one of my dreams.
Almost a week later and I am still on that wrestling high.I don’t know when or if it will ever wear off.
(side note: Dear John Morrison,when I grow up I want to be you.I want to walk in slow motion to my work computer in glittery rockstar pants while wind blows through my hair!)

Attending a live wrestling event is just one of the things on my bucket list and since I know you’re curious to know what else is on there,here are 15 16 items I intend to do before the good Lord calls a time out on my time here on earth:
1.Visit Las Vegas
2.Participate in the Peachtree Race
3.Get a kiss at the Eiffel tower
4.Take a road trip through all the 50 states and spend at least 2 days in each state
5.Own a fully paid off home
6.Write a children’s book
7.Write a book
8.Visit Miami
9.Tour Egypt’s pyramids
10.Participate in a flash mob
11.Have my own radio segment (or show)
12.Have my own TV segment (or show)
13.Start an online magazine
14.Have my own line of T-shirts
15.Attend a blogging conference
16.Attend a sweeping convention

So,whats on YOUR bucket list?

This is my entry in the Just Ask Bucket List Getaway Giveaway. Just Ask offers a breast and ovarian cancer screening and is encouraging people to share 15 things that I want to enjoy in my lifetime as a reminder to be aware of my health. Want to enter? Head over to TodaysMama.com to get the details.

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Coors Light Text And Score Sweep – Ends 12/7

Coors Light wants you to text and score.
When I saw the name of this particular text to win sweep,I giggled.
Yes,the immature child in me was completely amused by the title of this sweep.
If you’re not a pervert,you won’t get the joke.
If you got the joke,you need prayers.
If you couldn’t care less and just want the details,here you go:

Text COORS to 426677

They are giving away a total of 6 trips plus a ton of $10 gift cards in their instant win game.

x 1 per day

Ends 12/7

Posted in Sweepstakes, Text To Win | 1 Comment

Follow Me To Tennessee – Ends 10/31

I have passed through Tennessee a few times.
It seems like a nice enough place with nice people but I have to be honest with you – driving through the Tennessee mountains scares the crap out of me!
Its amazing how one place can be so pretty and yet so scary.
The mountains take your breath away but the cliffs are so steep that it’s tempting to want to close your eyes out of fear as you drive through…but of course that wouldn’t be such a smart thing to do,now would it?

Anyway,I’m headed to Tennessee and since I’m in such a great mood,I figured why not invite you to follow me to Tennessee?
I figure we can stalk Brad Paisley, umm explore this beautiful state together and guess what? The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development apparently has the same idea as me!They want you to discover first hand why their state is “America at Its Best” and to do that,they are hooking you up with a trip to Nashville!

Pretty sweet,huh?
Maybe while you’re there you can stalk Brad Paisley.
But wait,there is more..Not only do you get a 2-night stay at the Loews Hotel in Nashville,you also get Music City Backstage Attraction passes, silver tickets to the CMA Awards Show at the Bridgestone Arena, and tickets for the Bluegrass Underground at Cumberland Caverns BUT remember,you can’t win if you don’t enter so enter today!
Tennessee Department of Tourist Development – Fall Contest

Ends 10/31

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Hug Tuesday And A Giveaway – Yah!! – Ends 11/15

As per my post yesterday,I’m trying really hard to get into the holiday spirit this year.
That’s a work in progress.
But you know what I am REALLY pumped about right this second?
The WWE is coming to Atlanta next Monday.
That’s right..hot sweaty men roughing each other up in Philips Arena.
OMG, I can hardly contain my excitement.
I am a HUGE wrestling buff (please let me have this,don’t ruin it for me by going on about how fake it is!)
Actually attending a live wrestling event is Number 11 on my bucket list so as you can imagine I would give anything to attend this WWE RAW event! (psst hint,hint..anyone have any free tickets they can throw my way??)

But that isn’t all I am pumped about…I am hosting another giveaway..yah!!!

I am giving away 25 FREE Holiday Cards to THREE of my beloved readers..and I’m not even going to make you work hard for them.All you have to do is “LIKE” the Freebies City Facebook Page and come back here and leave me a comment telling me you liked it.I’ll randomly choose 3 winners on 11/15.

Now,you know its Tuesday so that means its time to hug it out…sooooo here’s a (((((((((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))) from me to you :)

Posted in Giveaway, Hug Tuesday | 19 Comments

Christmas Photo Cards Are The Rage These Days

The holiday season is about to hit us smack dab in the face and even though you might be groaning inside like the Grinch, you can’t escape it so you better embrace it. The holidays have always been a bit of a lonely and sad time for me. I haven’t celebrated Christmas in a while because each Christmas is a reminder that my grandmother, a person who played a huge role in my childhood Christmases, is not here anymore. She died a few years ago on Christmas Eve and was buried on Christmas… you can see how that can be a serious buzz kill year after year.

One thing I can count on to cheer me up during the holidays are the greeting cards I receive from a few people who still care about me. I have always had a soft spot for cards – probably because I’m a writer and I’m impressed with how cards express sentiments perfectly with a few choice words. Lately though, I have been very impressed with the Christmas photo cards that everyone seems to be obsessed with sending out. I don’t like the posed pictures on most cards, I love the Christmas cards with spontaneous, “unposed” for pictures that capture a moment of true laughter. Actually I love them so much that this year I’m going to jump right back in the Christmas spirit and instead of waiting for other people to send me cards, I’m going to be sending out a few of my own and guess what they will have? A picture of my little dude with his new Mohawk – I took it right outside the barbershop the day he got his Mohawk. He was playing outside my car, unaware that I was taking his picture and the result is this cute “unposed” for picture that shows a little boy grinning from ear to ear because he had just gotten his very first Mohawk.

“Are you a blogger? Want a chance at 25 free cards this holiday season? Register here”

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Meet New People Via Chat Rooms Online

If life were a job interview being held in a chat room online, I’d be that person who types in big bold capital letters – “HIRE ME BECAUSE I’M A PEOPLE PERSON”. I love meeting new people. I am curious about people and I really enjoy chatting with people and figuring out what them “tick”. In this era of texting, instant messaging and online dating, I find myself drawn to ChatRoomsOnline.Net because it is a free chat site with tons of free chat rooms. This century is all about meeting people in cyber space as opposed to bars and other traditional off line venues and meeting people doesn’t get any easier than at Chat Rooms Online. So if you enjoy meeting new people, you should head there right now and mingle.

Posted in Misc | 1 Comment

Let’s Get This Party Restarted With A Cerra Twitter Party – 10/5

Around here we love a good party and since it’s been a minute since we had one,I figured why not go ahead and jump back on the party wagon with the Cerra Twitter Party…

So ladies and gents,consider this your invitation to what is shaping up to be one of the funnest (is that even a word?) twitter parties to rock the twitter universe. You and the rest of the twitter party animals will be talking about much needed and well-deserved #MeTime as well as tips on relaxing and rejuvenating. What are the other details?Oh yeah,you do need those,don’t ya?Here goes:

#SSCerra Twitter Party Details
When: Wednesday, October 5th
Time: 8pm EDT
RSVP: http://www.shespeaks.com/Cerra-Twitter-Party-RSVP-Today

Hashtag: #SSCerra #MeTime

Oh,did I mention they will be giving away over $500 worth of prizes?
Yes,you read that right…over $500 worth of prizes.
Getting prizes to party – who would have thunk (is that even a word??) that?
You must RSVP.
You must RSVP.
You must RSVP if you want a chance to win one of 2 door prizes (pssst – they are $100 gift cards!)
Go ahead party people and let loose!

ps:It’s Tuesday – time for hug Tuesday so take the time to hug someone today,who knows..yours might be the only hug they get today/this week/this month/this year.Here’s a (((((MONSTER HUG))))) from me to you.

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