The Heart of Christmas tells the story of Austin and Julie Locke, who are devastated to learn that their young son, Dax, has been diagnosed with cancer. With courage, determination and faith, they decide to give Dax one last Christmas – even if it has to be in October. When the community sees the holiday decorations and learns the heartbreaking truth, what happens next is a miraculous outpouring of care and support. The Heart of Christmas will touch your heart and bring home the spirit of the holidays.
Now that you’ve read the synopsis,I’ll give you 3 good reasons why you should watch this movie and then one of you gets to win a copy of this awesome DVD!
Three reasons you should buy or rent The Heart of Christmas DVD:
1. It’s based on a true story of hope and compassion.
2. It’s a family movie everyone in your family will truly enjoy.
3. It will restore your faith in human beings.
To win a copy of The Heart of Christmas DVD, visit The Dax Locke Foundation and tell me something you learned or saw on the site (leave your comment right below this post)
**Winner will be randomly choosen from all eligible responses when the contest closes on 11/30/12 at 11:59 pm. The sponsor will ship the DVD directly to the winner.**
I learned that to this date over $580,000 has been raised through the The Dax Locke Foundation!
I learned avout the DAX foundation, the non-profit charitable site with no donation limits.
learned: Dax did live to see Christmas day. He passed away December 30th, 2009.
$632,000 raised for St Judes
Non profit organization!
I learned that they are selling a home to raise money – home for an angel.
Singer and songwriter, Matthew West reached out to help after hearing Dax’s story. He wrote a song called One Last Christmas!! Then donated the money to the foundation.
I found out that the organization is named after their little boy Dax Ryan Locke, born on June 26, 2007.
I learned all of it. I had never heard of this before. Non profit doing amazing things 🙂
I read more about the foundation and learned about the ways they have continued to give hope and spirit to so many other children and their families. So sweet.
I learned about the DAX foundation
Wow, these guys are really good at fundraising! They do a lot and are making a difference.
I learned everything evryone else did, but the most important to me was the work they do for others and the fact they are non-profit! We need more organizations and heartfelt people like this in the world! 😉
I learned that a parent instincts are correct when you know there is something wrong, I think its great to support this wonderful cause and find a cure for AML a touching story with our prayers to give!
Thank you
They raise money for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! I also have a cancer kid, and have a soft spot for anything to do with pediatric cancer research.
Washburn Fire Department raised nearly $4,000
I learned that they have raised $632,000 for St. Jude.
tarter95 at hotmail dot com
Their goal is 1.6 Million dollars for St. Jude
The movie was released on oct 16 2012
Dax was diagnosed with a type of leukemia at 15 months that is usually found in patients over 65.
I learned Dax passed away – but his parents still want to help St Jude and battle leukemia.
wow i learned alot abouthe DAX foundation which i had never heard of but will definalty keep in mind. thanks for teh chance
Dax had lots of colds and infections but it ended up being a form of leukemia that is most common in men who are over age 65. How sad 🙁
I learned that their goal is to raise 1.6 million dollars for St. Jude’s Hospital.
I learned that AML M7 luekemia is common in men over 65.
I learned its a non-profit organization
I learned about Dax’s courageous battle with AML M7 leukemia.
I learned that people are amazing, and can be giving in a time of need. What started as one house with parents wanting their child to have a Christmas spread and the everyone wanted in their own way to “hug” that child. God rest his little soul. St.Jude’s is an amazing facility.
It reminded me to stop and appreciate life! Julie and Austin knew that Dax’s story, which had touched so many people, could be used to bring awareness to childhood cancer and the work of St. Jude and started a foundation called “Cherish Every Moment” the Dax Locke Foundation.
The Story of Dax was so heart warming. I love that the whole city put up their Christmas lights early for him!
they have a Dax store! I watched this movie last week and loved it! I would definitely love to have a copy of my own.
Dax was diagnosed at 15 months.
I learned that the first home for an angel Dax Locke House raised $107,000!
i learned that this is another non-profit earning money for st jude’s research
I learned that AML M7 leukemia is common in men over 65.
I learned that the Dax Locke Foundation aims to raise $1.6 million, and they’re at 40% right now!
I learned the AML M7 leukemia is common in men over 65.The movie is available on Amazon I’m planning o watching it!!
Matthew wrote a song called One Last Christmas in 2011. And He donated the money he made from the song back to The Dax Locke Foundation.
I learned they are raising money for St. Jude.
Their goal is to raise 1.6 million for St. Jude.
I learned the Matthew West song “One Last Christmas” was written for Dax. I’ve heard the song before, but I didn’t know it written in honor of a sweet family and their baby boy.
Dax Ryan Locke was diagnosed with AML M7 Leukemia at only age 15 months.
I learned about the foundation.
I learned that The Dax Locke Foundation has helped so many…especially St. Jude’s Children’s hospital… Bless them <3