Who Wants A $500 Kmart Gift Card?

Unless you’ve been living in a cave in the past two years, chances are the name Sofia Vergara is one you’ve had a few times on TV or the interwebs.
Men lust after her.
Women secretly want to be her.
Neither sex will admit to any of that ofcourse.

In case you don’t know who she is, I’ll save you the two seconds it takes to google her and tell you that she is an actress.
She’s also the Pepsi spokeswoman.
Oh,she also has a fashion line with Kmart which is the whole reason why I’m typing all this up.
See, Vogue magazine is giving away a $500 Kmart gift card to one lucky person so they can go on a shopping spree courtesy of Sofia Vergara.

Bet if you win you won’t mind so much the next time your significant other drools at the sight of her massive tatas!

Vogue – Kmart Sofia by Sofia Vergara Shopping Spree Sweepstakes
x 1 per person
Ends 11/19/12

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