What Would You Do With $125,000?

My new guilty pleasure on tv is a show called SUITS.
It airs on the USA Network and it is soooo good.
Like, ridiculously good.
Like, OMG, I don’t want to miss a second of this good.
Like, holy smurfs if you value your life,do not talk while this show is on,wait until the commercial good.
Like, good heavens I still can’t believe there is a show this good on TV.
Like…..you get the picture.
The show is delicious.

Equally as delicious as SUITS?
The fact that they are giving away $125,000 in the USA Network SUITS Legal Life Sweepstakes
I’ll give you a second to let that sink in.
Thats a first year associate’s salary and it could be yours for free.
We’re talking cold hard cash people.
Imagine the things you could do with $125,000.
-Buy a house.
-Buy a car.
-Fly me to meet the SUITS cast because I shared this awesome sweep with you.
-Pay off your student loans.
-Quit that job your hate and travel for a year.
-Finally start that business.
-Donate money to your favorite charity.

The possibilities are endless but you can’t win that cash if you don’t enter and hey,don’t forget to watch SUITS every Thursday at 10/9pm on USA Network – it is sooo worth it!

x1 per day
Ends 9/14

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